Sunday, 1 May 2016

mulching the hedge with dad

Maltching the hedge with dad from Jayden. F on Vimeo.

This afternoon I got to go and video dad mulching the hedge and I thought I could put it on my blog it took me a little while to edit so I hope you enjoy

Sunday, 24 April 2016

50 year old square bailer up and running

 A little while ago dad had a client who wanted some little square bales we
 had a old baler in the corner of our shed so we pulled it out then a few days later...

Mum And dad milking the cows

This afternoon I got to go down the farm to help so I desired to do some videoing of Mum and Dad milking the cows we milk the cows in the morning and in the afternoon they eat palmkernal blend in the cow shed then after they go to there paddock and eat grass until dad has finished milking and they get fodder beet.      
Milking the cows from Jayden. F on Vimeo.

Fodder beet

home from Jayden. F on Vimeo.

This morning I got to go up and video dad loading the fodder 
Fodder beet is loaded with heaps of sugar in the leaves it is very tasty for the cows they go crazy over it.

Down At the farm

Every day after school I have to go and help mum and dad on the farm I have to shut the cows-in help mum feed calfs and here is a video about doing all of that hope you enjoy it.
Down at the farm from Jayden. F on Vimeo.

                                          On Saturday the Forsyth family had a special delivery From the pig man and he brought us 2 pigs here are Some photos of the pigs they are a bit of  horses.

About me

All about me

Hi my name is Jayden and I am going to be telling you well about me! I am just a normal 11  year old boy I have 2 brothers a dog called jenny who is 13 which is very old for a dog and a cat called sumo and she is 5. I go to Auroa school, south Taranaki, New Zealand. My favorite subject at school would have to be PE,Writing and art. My favorite sports are golf,cricket,hockey,swimming and touch rugby.

To get over 10,000 page views by the end of the year? When I am 15 or 16 I would like to be a pro at motor cross rider.  

In my spare time I like to go trail bike riding with my brother